The story of Sewcial Dyes began at the clothesline one morning in 2017 while Corinne was hanging the family washing.
Her twins were soon to be turning eight, and she felt her role as a stay-at-home Mother was changing, she wanted MORE … She wanted to find herself
again in amongst the years of motherhood and raising twins.
Corinne has been sewing since her teenage years taught by her talented seamstress Mother.
There was always creativity in their home, whether it was making Easter eggs, baking, patchworking, drawing … always creativity.
That morning at the clothesline had Corinne thinking that if she could turn her love of creating into a little money, then she’d be able to continue to be at home and available for her children.
Corinne turned to her attention to the fabric paint in her spare room that she’d used with her sister in their teenage years.
Those paints soon ran out, and research found that procion fibre reactive dyes were now the superior way to colour fabric.
When a friend sent through a YouTube video on “Ice dyeing”, Corinne was hooked!!!
An interest had been sparked! A passion for colours, designs, and the gorgeous marbling of the ice dyeing results.
With a mission of spreading colour and joy into homes ...
Corinne continues to stretch her imagination through her designs, and is still humbled that her work has touched so many people’s hearts and homes.
She is passionate about creating personalised bedding and homewares and making sure her customers colour and design choices are brought to live in her art.